Smoking cessation interventions
Last updated: 18/11/24
Published: 10/03/23
Lung cancer can be defined as the uncontrollable growth of abnormal epithelial cells that make up the lung. Smoking is known to be a main risk factor of lung cancer being responsible for at least 70% of lung cancer cases. Burning cigarettes release multiple mutagens and carcinogens which are absorbed and metabolised by the body to cause cancer. The incidence of lung cancer is increasingly becoming worrying due to its high preventability rate of 79% according to the National Cancer Research Institute (2012). This highlights the importance of reducing the incidence of lung cancer and consequently the deaths caused by it and the burden on the NHS and economy. There recently has been a surge in the use of E-cigarettes in comparison to cessation clinics as a cessation tool to prevent lung cancer. Clearly, there is a need to determine the effectiveness of E-cigarettes being used as a smoking cessation tool. Over the years researchers have investigated different cessation techniques such as specialist clinics, therapy, and patches.
The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of e-cigarettes as a smoking cessation tool to prevent cancer in primary care. The research suggests that E-cigarettes are more commonly and successfully being used as an effective smoking cessation tool in primary care. The research also suggests that the implementation of smoking cessation clinics has helped to reduce the prevalence of smoking. Both E-cigarettes and smoking cessation clinics are useful in reducing the prevalence of smoking and therefore the incidence of lung cancer. However, it is important to acknowledge some of the carcinogens that E-cigarettes possess such as nicotine which can adversely promote cancer growth. This begs the question of the efficacy of E-cigarettes in reducing lung cancer incidence. Predominantly not smoking at all remains the safest option to reduce the chances of lung cancer. Nonetheless, the reduction in funding for Smoking Cessation clinics in primary care should be reviewed given that it was an effective enough strategy in reducing lung cancer incidence. More research (particularly longitudinal studies) is also required into the efficacy of E-cigarettes in reducing lung cancer incidence and the potential long-term effects they could have.
Written by Latilda Ajani
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